
Nigeria Makes a Brave Stand Against Ivory Trade

In a groundbreaking event held in Abuja, Nigeria took a firm stance against the illicit ivory trade by staging its first ivory-crushing event. Approximately...

The Elephant’s Ear And Temperature Regulation

It may come as a surprise to learn that elephants use their ears to control their body temperature. "How?" you may be thinking. "Why?"...

Vital Guardians: Understanding the Role of Venomous Snakes in Our Ecosystem

Have you ever pondered the hidden world of venomous snakes? Join us in this series as we reveal the mysteries of these misunderstood creatures....
King Cobra

Nigeria’s Most Potent Snakes: An In-depth Introduction

We all have a thing or two about snakes that give us the shivers. But it's time to separate fact from fiction. Nigeria is...

The Marvel of the Camel’s Hump

In the rugged, water-starved landscapes where camels reign supreme, their ability to endure extended periods without a sip of water is nothing short of...

Great or Small, Love Them All: Celebrating World Animal Day

Every year on the 4th of October, the annual festival of animals is celebrated, acknowledging the diversity of the animal kingdom and reflecting on...

5 Importance Of Wildlife

As you are aware, this website and numerous others are exclusively dedicated to wildlife, advocating for their preservation, providing knowledge about them, and exploring...

Hope restored as critically endangered chimpanzee gives birth in Chester Zoo   

The birth of the world's rarest chimpanzee gives reasons for celebration among conservationists across the world who commented, saying that it gives hope to...

Critically endangered rhinoceros gives birth at Kansas City Zoo  

Kansas City Zoo welcomed the birth of a critically endangered species of rhino on December 31, 2022. Zuri, a critically endangered species of the...

Animals on the brink of extinction in 2022

Extinction is the dying out or extermination of a species. This process occurs when plant or animal species are diminished because of environmental factors...