Welcome, passionate adventurers and nature lovers, to a thrilling new series that guarantees to lead you on an enchanting expedition through the treasures of Nigeria’s wild landscapes—its national conservation parks.

Situated in the heart of Africa is a country boasting exceptional biodiversity, with dense rainforests, vast savannas, and winding rivers blending to form a mosaic of natural marvels. Nigeria, renowned for its diverse cultural traditions and lively urban centres, harbours a diverse range of conservation areas, all brimming with distinct plant and animal species ready to be explored

Next month, join us on a journey to discover the treasures of Nigeria’s eight national conservation parks. We will explore one park at a time. Our inaugural destination? The magnificent Cross River National Park.

Located in the southern part of Nigeria, Cross River National Park showcases the country’s dedication to protecting its natural wonders. Covering more than 4000 square kilometres, this lush haven provides a haven for rare animals like the Cross River gorilla, forest elephant, and Nigerian-Cameroonian chimpanzee.

However, Cross River National Park offers more than just a sanctuary for animals. It serves as a research facility for conservationists, an exciting destination for thrill-seekers, and a place of inspiration for those who want to reconnect with nature. With its lush rainforests and breathtaking waterfalls, every part of this park has a unique tale to share.

Get ready to join us on an exciting journey of exploration as we set off on this expedition. Nigeria’s parks, from the wild terrains of Gashaka-Gumti to the tranquil charm of Kamuku National Park, hold unique stories and breathtaking marvels waiting to be uncovered.

So, dear readers, are you ready to embark on this adventure with us? Prepare to be enchanted, amazed, and inspired as we journey through Nigeria’s natural treasures, one park at a time.



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