Meet Inemesit Edem Eniang, a rising environmental conservation star

Inemesit bird atlassing around Deken Community Secondary School

Inemesit Edem Eniang is an environment champion who hails from Mbak Atai, Itam in the Itu local government area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

He was born into the family of Professor Edem A. Eniang some 19 years ago. He currently studies at the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State where he studies Forestry and Environmental Management and also volunteers at the Biodiversity Preservation Center (BPC), Uyo, Nigeria.

Aganais Speciosa; photo taken by Inemesit at the BPC

He is one of the founding staff of Dangerous Animals Controllers International Limited (DACIL)

At the BPC, Eniang grows and nurtures plants and animals while also giving educative tours to visitors who come to get enlightened on the topic of conservation.

His passion for conservation propels him to participate in community and conservation awareness programs arranged by the organization.

“I join the organization in their community and conservation awareness programs in different locations in Nigeria to preach against the indiscriminate killing/poaching of Nigeria’s endangered species,” he said.

His flair for conservation which moved him to decide on his course of study at the university began at the young age of 12 when he accompanied his father on an ecological survey at Ibeno LGA, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. He described it as an interesting experience even though he didn’t completely grasp what his father was doing till much later when he was in senior secondary school.

Rainbow Agam
Photo credit: Inemesit

Among the many activities organized by the Biodiversity Preservation Center (BPC) is the Ibom Bird Club which Inemesit is a member of. He joined this club to help create awareness about birding, and assist with gathering and submitting data on different species of birds in Nigeria. This data collection was done based on the location at which they were directed to work by the NIBAP officials and directors.

Apart from this, he also collects data on plants and animals for