Baby big-headed turtle finds a new home in newquay zoo

Baby big-head turtle in newquay zoo

A critically endangered big-head turtle recently found a new home at Newquay Zoo. It is appropriately called a big-head turtle because of the significant difference in the size of its head in comparison to its body. This turtle also has a unique neon stripe that goes around its shell. 

Newquay Zoo which is part of Wild Planet Trust, a charity dedicated to helping halt species decline is home to 35 other critically endangered species which include the white and black ruffed lemurs, Javan magpies, and Visayan warty pigs among others. 

The baby big-headed turtle whose sex is yet to be identified currently measures about 5 cm from head to tail, however, upon attaining maturity, it would grow to be about 40 cm in length. 

Due to the size of their head, from which they gained their name, big-head turtles can’t retract their head into their shell to escape from danger like their counterparts. These turtles rather have a razor-sharp hooked beak that protects them, the beak is so strong that it is capable of crushing human bones. 

These turtles whose natural habitats are located in regions such as Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Chain, Vietnam, and Thailand have greatly decreased in population by 90% within the past 90 years and are now critically endangered species. 

This unpleasant decrease can be traced to several factors such as habitat loss which occurs as a result of intensive farming and development, climate change, habitat pollution, the pet trade, and the use of some traditional medicines. 

Zoo keeper Simon Pratley expressed his delight in having the baby big-headed turtle brought to the zoo when he said: “Big-headed turtles are struggling in the wild, so I am really glad that we can introduce this fascinating species to our visitors and highlight the issues threatening its survival.”

The big head turtle will be on display in the Tropical House at Newquay Zoo later this month.