World Ozone Day 2022


The World Ozone Day is held every year on the 16th of September and was again commemorate this year with the theme: “Global Cooperation to Protect Life on Earth.”

The theme of this year’s event was announced by the United Nations and it underscores the measures that must be put in place for the preservation of life on earth.

The Ozone Day which is celebrated every year on a global scale on the 16th of September, is geared towards prompting talks and widespread awareness on the depletion of the ozone layer.

The ozone is a layer in the earth’s atmosphere which forms a protective shield that absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiations that reaches the earth from the sun. Therefore, every year the United Nations announce a theme for the celebration which focuses on the prompt action that must be taken by the people and the government to protect the ozone layer.

The History

The observance of the World Ozone Day began in 1995, when it was initiated to raise awareness about the importance of the Ozone Layer to our environment.
The discovery about the impact human activities were making on the ozone layer was made by scientists in the 1970s and they made their apprehensions known.

As a result of that, various governments across the globe embraced the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone layer and resolved to save it.

The World Ozone Day held on 16th September focuses on remembering this accomplishment and to demonstrate that the collective decision taken is the answer to this major global problem.

World Ozone Day and the Montreal Protocol

The World Ozone Day of 2022 was observed to Mark the signing of the Montreal Protocol which is an international treaty that is designed to protect the ozone layer by eliminating the production of the numerous substances depleting the ozone layer.

The Montreal Protocol was agreed upon on September 16, 1987, and it went into effect on January 1, 1989. Ever since, the Montreal Protocol has been revised 9 times which include: 1990 (London), 1991 (Nairobi), 1992 (Copenhagen), 1993 (Bangkok), 1995 (Vienna), 1997 (Montreal), 1998 (Australia), 1999 (Beijing), and 2016 (Kigali)